Tuesday 1 March 2016

Another very successful grading!

 It was a rather wet and miserable Sunday morning, but for most of the members of the club that did not matter as they were going to spend most of the day at Joseph Rowntree School attending our latest grading course.

Steve Sensei with the Junior grades
The course started off with a surprise for me – Alan Sensei (JKS England Chief Instructor) presented my Nidan certificate with some very kind words about my determination and dedication to Karate – I have not found my Karate Journey to be easy, but that just makes me value how far I have come even more. I had passed at the JKS Christmas course, and Alan Sensei brought my certificate back from Japan after attending Kangieko.

Sarah showing her ‘kill face!’
After this brief presentation, training started in earnest with Alan Sensei (6th Dan), and Steve Carless Sensei (6th Dan) taking turns to instructor the more Junior students, taking them through the traditional combination of Kihon, Kata, and Kumite, along with some more unusual exercises. I was particularly pleased to see some of our junior members who were not grading but had turned up to take advantage of training with our excellent guest instructors.
 The gradings started at 11am and once more our students performed brilliantly with Izzy, Oliver, Ethan (M), Annabelle, Riley, Kai, Ethan (D), Alexander ©, Keira, Stanish, and Poppy all successfully grading..

Whilst these gradings were taking place, the training continued uninterrupted.  With the Junior level grades being out through their paces before their grading. There were definitely some nerves in evidence, but once again Ireana, Jack, Aidan, Carl, and Sarah all successfully reaching the next step on their Karate journey. Special mention must go to Ireana who, despite running a very high temperature and not looking very well at all, insisted on grading. Her comment of “well, I am here, so I will go for my grading” demonstrates a true ‘Karate’ attitude!

And for Sarah this represents her graduation from ‘beginner’, and her grading results showed, she has got a good understanding of the fundamentals of karate and now we will build on them to deepen her knowledge and ability.

Olivia demonstrating Yoko Geri Kekomi
The Mid level grades were training while Ireana was battling through her grading.  Again, both instructors covered the three pillars of Shotokan – Kihon, Kata, and Kumite, and Steve Sensei finished off with an explanation of the importance of displaying your Spirit when you train and grade – this is something that we continually mention at the club, and it was great to have this sentiment repeated by one of our top Karate-ka. Holly and Olivia were both successful in their grading, putting in strong and confidant performances, showing that they had been paying attention during Steve Sensei’s teaching.

The senior grades were training at the same time as the mid grade. Alan Sensei began (after Matt Sensei’s warm-ups) by taking us through a grueling set of squats and other conditions exercises. I have to admit to struggling with the last set of squats, but a glance to the left of the line were Mike Sensei was leading by example by sweating away with the rest of us was all it took to get me through them. I find it very inspirational that Mike Sensei trains harder than any of us, he attends every course that he can, and never spares himself from any effort – if you doubt this just ask to see the bruises that he picked up when training on the course.
We then practiced Mae Geri, Yoko Geri Kekomi, and Mawashi Geri, very slowly focusing correct preparation and technique, before doing them with speed and power, and then went through some Kumite exercises focusing on movement and speed.

The Senior class tackling Gojushiho Sho
Alan Sensei finished off by starting to go through Gojushiho Sho, an interesting kata with some unusual transitions and moves but some repetition that made it quicker to learn. Unfortunately we ran out of time before we could finish the kata, but Steve Sensei picked up seamlessly were Alan Sensei left of and we finished Gojushiho Sho and also picked up some important tips for refereeing on what sets an excellent performance of this kata apart from an average performance – brilliant advice for those of us that are learning to referee.

We then moved onto Junro Shodan, after first doing a number of exercise to improve the first three moves of the kata. Ju Ippon drills followed this, again focusing on correct movement to block and counter. To finish we went through a number of exercise and stretches using a partner to provide resistance.

Jonathan pushing Rebecca Sensei around whilst Steve Sensei looks on with approval!
For a change we did not have any student attempting their Shodan this time, but Mike Sensei will be looking at Brenda and Joe to see if we can get you ready for next years course.

I would like to express our thanks to Alan and Steve Senseis for their excellent and engaging training. Wendy Sensei for her work behind the scenes ensuring that everyone’s membership is up to date and the Dan gradings run smoothly. And of course Paul Sensei who devotes a lot of time and effort to ensure that we always have top instructors at our courses, and that the courses and the gradings run smoothly.



visit www.haxbykarate.co.uk to find out more about our Club. For more information email info@haxbykarate.co.uk

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