Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Haxby Karate Kids -The Adventures Of Dojo Chapter 2

Dojo was lucky enough to visit Evie this month. This is what the pair of them got up to!

Evie decide to widen Dojo's gaming abilities to a game of Dominoes. This was totally new to him but Evie was a fantastic coach and soon had him placing tiles like a pro.  I am led to believe though that Dojo did sneakily peek at Evie's tiles when she left the room. Tut, tut there is no short cuts to being a master and he should know that!

Dojo loves being out and about and he was delighted when they arrived at Creepy Crawlies.  He normally has a fantastic sense of balance, however Gi's and wavy slides are not a good combination as Dojo soon found out!  Luckily  Evie did not have the same problem and was quick to come to his rescue and offered some much needed TLC.

Evie only left Dojo for a moment and look what the cheeky bear got up too!  keeping hydrated is very important when you're hot from running around.  The water was Evie's and she had said that if he needed a drink he could have some of hers,  the Cheddars however! that is a mystery and we're still unsure as how he got hold of them.  All we can hope is that Evie's fantastic manners have rubbed of on him and that he did ask first!

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