7th March 2015 was a long anticipated date for some members of the club (and for some members of our extended ‘karate family’) not only because it was the Spring Seminar with JKS World Chief Instructor Masao Kagawa Shihan, but because it was the date of Mike Sensei’s grading!
With his usual self effacing style Mike Sensei had tried to keep his preparation as low key as possible. However I think that a lot of people noticed him practicing some of the more advanced Kata and wondered what was going on.
Mike Sensei had already trained on the Friday night - gruelling session focussing on kicking and Ura Mawashi Geri in particular, but seemed focussed and ready for anything when Lorraine Sensei, Holly (B) and I arrived on the Saturday morning.
As you would expect with an instructor of Kagawa Shihan’s calibre the training was superb. Particularly useful was covering all the Heian and Junro Kata and pulling out key teaching points.
Mike Sensei was looking nervous at times, and I must admit that some of us took great delight in repeating to him the advice he had been giving us over the years when we were faced with our own gradings!
As might be expected Mike Sensei was the last to be called up for his grading, after a seemingly endless wait. However from the first move of his chosen Kata – Unsu – any thoughts that his nerves might get the better of him were instantly removed. He gave such a strong, focussed and powerful performance that he got a spontaneous round of applause from everyone watching – something that I have experienced seen at any grading I have seen. I think those of us that were watching looked more nervous waiting for Kagawa Shian to announce his next Kata – after all he could choose any of Shotokan Kata include any of the Junro Katas, that’s over 30 to choose from! However when he announced Hangetsu I think we all breathed a sigh of relief – it is one of Mike Sensei’s favourites. And again he gave an assured and skilful performance.
We were a little unsure what was to happen next. Mike Sensei had been asked to prepare a Thesis on some aspect of karate, and we were not sure if that would be taken in place of Kumite, or if he would have one or more Kumite bouts. Kagawa Shihan requested that Mike Sensei pick a section of his Thesis and demonstrate his viewpoint – as the Thesis was concerned with Kumite he ended up performing Jyu Ippon Kumite with Craig Williams Sensei from Siebukan.
Although there was little doubt in our minds as to the eventual result it was great relief when it was announced that he had successfully graded to Rokudan (6th Dan).
Mike Sensei with Kagawa Shihan |
I am sure that I speak for all of our club members (and the many friends that Mike Sensei has in the Karate Community) when I say how proud we are of Mike Sensei. This was a well deserved result, and one that he had worked hard for. Not only that Mike Sensei has devoted many years to helping countless people on their karate journey, he never asks for thanks, never demands recognition or special treatment, and often has let his own training suffer for the good of the club or the development of a student. This is a reflection of the many years he has devoted to his karate journey and hid dedication to the art.
Congratulations Sensei
visit www.haxbykarate.co.uk to find out more about our Club. For more information email info@haxbykarate.co.uk
Congratulations Sensei
visit www.haxbykarate.co.uk to find out more about our Club. For more information email info@haxbykarate.co.uk